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The Green Wave

Activate citizens to support the Green Deal agenda

EU Grew project concerns the European Green Deal priority

About the project

EU The Green Wave Project

EU Grew project concerns the European Green Deal priority, focusing on educational activities aiming at the activation of citizens to support the Green Deal agenda, and deal with the effects of climate change on our rights as well as the impact of the war in Ukraine and its interconnection with the postponement of the implementation of decisions and actions to address climate change that undermines our prosperity, our freedom.

Key phases in the project

Summer School, Living Labs & MOOC course

The project will include a 2 weeks Summer School for 70 teachers from all different EU countries and beyond, Living Labs in all participant countries for teachers and school communities, a MOOC course in the last phase of the project...

our aims

Focus on Green Deal according EU policies

Focus on Green Deal, train teachers across Europe to plan school projects focused on EU policies and Green Deal, develop teaching materials and resources that will serve this purpose, foster an innovative approach to teacher training...

deal with the effects

of climate change

deal with the effects of climate change

Jean Monnet Actions

Stimulating teaching and research on the European Union

Jean Monnet Actions run under Erasmus+ to support teaching, learning, research and debates on various aspects of the European Union.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.