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Food for thought

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Food of thought

1. Publications List (with links), related Prof. Nikos Papadakis’ Modules

1. Papadakis N. & Tzagkarakis St. (2024),Evidence-based policy making towards Social Sustainability”, in the ERAZ Selected Papers of the Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Conference entitled: Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – ERAZ 2023. Belgrade: UdEcom Balkan, pp. 103-114. DOI: 31410/ERAZ.S.P.2023.103. Available online at:

2. Karachalios G. & Papadakis N. (2023), “Micro-credentials and Skills: Towards a paradigm shift in Reskilling?”, in Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (ASSRJ). 10, no. 5, May 2023, pp. 95- 102 Available at:

3. Papadakis N. & Drakaki M. (2023), “The development of the European Education Policy, its reform agenda and the impact of neoliberalism and economic rationale: The case of the “Work Programme Education & Training 2010”, within the framework of the EU Lisbon Strategy (2000-2010)”, in International Journal of Educational Research, Special Issue: "Human capital and education practice", no 173, pp. 1- 9. DOI: Available at:

4. Vergis E., Papadakis N., Taroudakis M. (2023), “Labour market dynamics and socio-economic vulnerability: Τhe Covid-19 impact and policy challenges in the Region of Crete, Greece”, in Open Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 11, no 6, June 2023, pp. 349-375. DOI: 4236/jss.2023.116023. Available at:

5. Papadakis N. (2022), “EU policy on education and training in the EU2020 Framework. Its main components and the Europe state of play: Social indicators, Employment, Education, Training and Lifelong Learning”, in D. Anagnostopoulou & D. Skiadas (eds), Higher Education and Research in the European Union. Mobility Schemes, Social Rights and Youth Policies. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 213-230. (Abstract & References) available at:

6. Drakaki M., Tzagkarakis St., Papadakis N., Basta M., Chiang T.-H. (2022), “Inequalities, Vulnerability and Precarity among Youth in Greece: The case of Neets”, in Urbanities-Journal of Urban Ethnography, 12,  Suppl. 5, Special Issue: Greek Crisis and Inequalities: Anthropological Views (ed. by M. Spyridakis), January 2022, pp. 114-130. Available at:

7. Papadakis N. & Drakaki M. (2021), “Prometheus bound? European initiatives and trends on Higher Education and their association with economic competiveness, skills and employability”, in Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (ASSRJ). 8, no. 12, Dec 2021, pp. 105–111. DOI: Available at:

8. Papadakis N., Drakaki M., Saridaki S., Dafermos V. (2021), «“The degree of despair”. The disjointed labour market, the impact of the pandemic, the expansion of precarious work among youth and its effects on young people's life trajectories, life chances and political mentalities- public trust. The case of Greece», in The European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities (EQPAM), Vol 10, no 2, April 2021, pp. 26-53. Available at:

9. Papadakis N. (2019), “The Changing Labour Market and the Demand for Creativity-related Competences: The EU Key Competences Framework and the European State of Play concerning Creativity Development”, in Journal of Education & Social Policy, Vol. 6 No. 4, December 2019, pp. 101-112. DOI: 10.30845/jesp.v6n4p13. Available at:

10. Plimakis S., Papadakis N., Manolis I. (2018), “Why Greece does (not) comply with EU environmental acquis: the case of Renewable Energy Sources policy deployment in Euboea”, in International Journal of Business and Social Science (IJBSS), 9 No. 3, March 2018, pp 81- 87 DOI: 10.30845/ijbss, Available at:

2. Publications List (with links), related Stylianos Tzagkarakis’ Modules

1. Buti, M., & Fabbrini, S. (2023). Next generation EU and the future of economic governance: towards a paradigm change or just a big one-off?. Journal of European Public Policy, 30(4), 676-695.

2. Cotta, B. (2024). The eco-social aspects of the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork. Global Social Policy, 14680181241261068.

3. Daly, M. (2017). The dynamics of European Union social policy. In: P. Kennett & N. Lendvai-Bainton (eds.), Handbook of European Social Policy. Chelthenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 93-107.

4. Domorenok, E., & Graziano, P. (2023). Understanding the European Green Deal: A narrative policy framework approach. European Policy Analysis, 9(1), 9-29.

5. Haag, M., Hurka, S., & Kaplaner, C. (2024). Policy complexity and implementation performance in the European Union. Regulation & Governance.

6. Lelieveldt, H., & Princen, S. (2023). The politics of the European Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

7. Nugent, N. (2017). The government and politics of the European Union. Bloomsbury Publishing.

8. Panarello, D., & Gatto, A. (2023). Decarbonising Europe–EU citizens’ perception of renewable energy transition amidst the European Green Deal. Energy Policy, 172, 113272.

9. Skjærseth, J. B. (2021). Towards a European Green Deal: The evolution of EU climate and energy policy mixes. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 21(1), 25-41.

10. Tzagkarakis, S. I. (2021). The EU Institutional Framework and the Social Dimension Policies: Barriers, Challenges and Prospects. HAPSc Policy Briefs Series, 2(1), 182-188.

Food of thought

Brief videos
1. Brief Videos related to Prof. Nikos Papadakis’ Modules

1. European Parliament: The EU decision-making process

2. European Parliament: How the European Parliament works

3. SDSN: Europe Sustainable Development Report (ESDR) 2023

4. EuroNews: What are the Sustainable Development Goals and is Europe reaching them?

5. United Nations Foundation: A Look at the Sustainable Development Goals

6. European Commission: European Labour Authority

7. EUROFOUND: Employment and labour markets

8. CEDEFOP: European skills index 2024

9. CEDEFOP: How-to: Terminology of European education and training policy

10. CEDEFOP: What employees need from the skills revolution

European Consortium for Political Research/ ECPR (16/11/2022). Political Culture Lecture Series | Research Network on Political Culture: Nikos Papadakis: Precarious Work and Its Impact on Young People’s Political Behavior and Trust

activities, field trips
& workshops